
Caring For Your Annuals Planting

In general, early morning is the best time to water, but don’t delay if your plants look wilted.

The best way to know your plants need water is to push your finger several inches into the soil. If it’s dry, they need water. Check the moisture every time you water.

Overwatering is as damaging as underwatering.

Watering Pots

  • In pots, water under the foliage to ensure moisture is getting to the roots; rain and overhead sprinkles run off the plants.
  • Thoroughly water plants frequently – in hot, dry weather, daily waterings are usually necessary. In cooler temperatures, you may only need to water two or three times per week.
  • Using your hose, a slow trickle placed close to the roots of the plant is better than a hard blast.
  • Continue watering your plantings until removal in the fall.
  • Dry soil becomes hydrophobic – it repels water. To rehydrate your potting soil, place a hose close to the surface and let it run slowly until water runs out the bottom. Do this repeatedly until the soil feels moist several inches below the surface throughout the pot. Continue regular waterings as usual.

Watering Planting Beds

  • Young plant material in planting beds do not have a strong root system. Ensure even, penetrating coverage throughout the bed to encourage root growth.
  • Water planting beds two to three times per week; adjust this as needed depending on rainfall. An average of 1” of rain per week is sufficient if the soil has not dried out.


  • Most annuals require fertilizing every other week through July; in August, cut back to once per month and discontinue after Labor Day.
  • Fertilize only after watering – it is not effective if applied to dry soil.

Weed Control

  • As a result of soil disturbance, expect more weeds in your planting beds during the first year of establishment.
  • Regularly remove weeds by hand to prevent competition with new plantings.
  • For easier removal, weed after rainfall or watering.
  • Avoid the application of chemical weed control in or around new plantings.


  • Many flowering annuals require deadheading to continue blooming through the season. Pinch off spent flowers at the base periodically.

Pest Control

  • Monitor plants regularly for any insect or disease problems.
  • Rabbits and other animals enjoy some annuals. Repellants can help in-ground plantings. Elevating pots or setting up subtle fencing can also help protect your plants.

Your LandWorks Representative can answer any questions and provide specific plant care recommendations for your property.

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